

(Psst! I’m more fun if you read me like a script)

Q1: The Pros Awards? Another industry award? Really? So, what’s this one about?
Oh, wow! You’re really going to hit us with the tough question first, huh? You don’t want to warm us up with a gentle start?
Q2: No
Haha… Okay. Well, The Pros Awards aren’t like any other industry awards. They will be the first awards:

  • Judged by Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority PR and comms pros
  • Celebrating talented Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority PR and comms pros
  • Celebrating work targeting Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority consumers
Q3: Amazing! Great! Interesting!
Thank you. We think so too. Also, we’re loving the change in tone.
Q4: Hold your horses. But why though…? Is there really any need for them?
Well, it’s 2024 and you shouldn’t really have to ask but we’ll humour you…
Q5: Thank you.
You’re welcome.

Well, it’s because of the ethnic pay gap, because of lack of diversity in the industry, because of exclusion, because of underrepresentation, because – look, we want to address the many imbalances, okay? We want to celebrate talented Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority (BME) PR and comms pros in the way our industry currently fails to do.

To quote the great Adrian Ma, we want to “create some heroes”.

[Pause to smile because what a beautiful thing to get to do 🙂 …].

We also want to celebrate great campaigns targeting BME consumers because – surprise! – audiences are diverse! Shocker, right?

Q6: Okay, I’m sold. I get it. But I have some questions.
Q7: Who is the “we” you’re talking about?
All BME PR Pros projects are created by BMEs and in consultation with BMEs. The advisory board members for The Pros Awards are:

  • Claire Quansah, Founder, Quansah Consulting
  • Daljit Bhurji, CEO & Co-Founder, Diffusion
  • Kristian Hoareau Foged, Founder & Director of Analytics & Strategy, Simply Thought
  • Adrian Ma, Founder & Managing Director, Fanclub PR
  • Julian Obubo, Director, Manifest Los Angeles, Manifest
  • Ete Davies, EMEA Chief Operating Office, Dentsu Creative

They will also shortlist the Communicator of the Year and the Campaigner of the Year, and decide the recipient of the PR Legend (aka lifetime achievement) award too.

Q8: And who are you?
I’m Elizabeth Bananuka.
Q9: Wait! I’m Elizabeth Bananuka too!
[Pause to acknowledge the plot twist…]
Q10: Back to questions! You mentioned “Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority” PR and comms pros and, well, some people get really uncomfortable talking about “race stuff”. Make it easy and tell us who qualifies for the individual pros categories?
Sure thing!

  • Black includes pros from Caribbean and African backgrounds
  • Asian (from South to East) includes pros from Indian, Pakistani, Bengali, Chinese, Thai, Filipino and Japanese backgrounds
  • Mixed Race includes Mixed Black, Mixed Asian and Mixed Arab pros
  • Arab includes pros from north African backgrounds
Q11: Understood! How about for the inclusive work categories? Do all team members need to be from BME backgrounds?
Nope! Any PR and comms pros can put their work forward for the inclusive campaigns categories. However, extra points will be given to diverse teams.
Q12: Okay, so to be clear BMEs can enter or be put forward for the individual categories and diverse teams can enter the inclusive campaigns categories?
Q13: How about The Blueprint? Do you have to work for a Blueprinted organisation to apply for The Pros Awards?
Q14: You must have some terms though?
Yep. We do and we urge anyone considering applying to read them first.
Q15: And what if I want to enter but I need some tips to make a great entry?
We’ve created a handy little Guide to Entering The Pros Awards just for you (and all the other entrants). Get comfortable and have a good read.
Q16: Okay, I’ve read the guide and all good! How do I enter?
Simple! Head to our fancy awards platform, create an account, enter and you’re good to go!
Q17: By the way, what if I work for an agency or comms team that genuinely values diversity and has the track-record to match, and I’m loving The Pros Awards and want to come on board as a sponsor. Who do I get in touch with?
Of course you love The Pros Awards! Who wouldn’t?

Simple! Drop an email to and we can take it from there.

Q18: Great! Anything else I should know? Like deadlines? Fees? That kind of thing.
Yes! Seven things:

1. Enter by Thursday 8 February 2024 to get the super early bird entry fee of £145.00 per entry

2. Enter by Thursday 22 February 2024 to get the early bird entry fee of £195.00
3. The standard fee is £245.00 per entry
4. The final deadline for entries is Thursday 21 March 2024
5. Entries need to focus on work and/or achievements from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023
6. Anything not covered in FAQs or Terms and Conditions or Guide to Entering The Pros Awards? Email
7. Good luck! We’re rooting for you.

How does that sound?

Q19: Great! Can I say one last thing?
Q20: We should really get into scriptwriting.
I agree. But I think you mean ‘I’.


The Pros Awards
Because Representation Matters